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Do you ever feel like s**t?

Your life feels a bit meh, you are not really sure what you want from life anymore.

You feel like you are stuck in a rut and don't know how to get back out of it. Or not sure if you want to, because it feels safe and comfortable down there.

Your inner bi**h is like a broken record with telling you that you are not good enough, you don't earn enough, you are sh*t parent or daughter or sister.

There are some days you feel like you are losing the plot completely and you want to stop the world and get off!

You think you are the only one

that feels like this. No one you know talks about this stuff. Nobody ever admits to feeling like crap most of the time. You put a brave face on it hoping it will go away if you leave it long enough.

And some days it does disappear for a while, but that same old feeling comes back for more the day after and then the day after that.

It is frigging exhausting.

About Us

We are two middle aged (but we look good for it lol!) women who have kind of experienced quite alot in life. It has certainly thrown it's fair share at us. From divorce, bereavement, challenges with children, neuro diversity to rock bottom self esteem, thinking we were going mad everything else in between.

It was only when we started to learn we discovered all feel the same in one way or another. How that if we embraced who we actually were and didn't keep trying to change ourselves, that life changed for the better. And it is this that we want to share with you.

We have done more courses than your average thoroughbred race horse! Each of them has taught us something and along the way we have devised a way to help other women who feel the same as we have felt (and head's up still do sometimes!) If you think our lives are perfect then you are at the wrong place. We will teach you to accept the beautiful you, your life and all that goes with it xxx

Flawsome Female Shebang

This is the place to be if you would like help with that inner voice. It is packed full of everything to help you manage that damn voice, plus loads more.

Here is a little sneaky peak of what is inside our fabulous Flawsome Female Shebang Membership

What people are saying about us

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It has helped me question myself and if I am doing it for myself or others!

— S, Taunton

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I realise now that I need to think from my heart. I need to step outside my head, it is not who I am!

— E, Taunton

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Since being in the group I've learnt to accept that you can not control other people's actions but you can control how you deal with it , and that saying the word No , is not a negative x

— S, Somerset

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